So this year my beauty resolution are...
1.) I will try to minimize my make up collection as much as possible. I will try to use up some old stuff before buying a new one. And I will toss stuffs that has been too old.
2.) I will buy only things I need, not thing I like, or want. And I will buy only good quality product not gimmicky product anymore
3.) I will pamper my skin more than last year. I mean scrub my face at least once a week, do face mask twice a week, moisturize everyday, clean my face twice a day(I've done this all my life even in winter).
4.) I will loss some weight. Since my weight has increase dramatically last year that I've to change my clothes size:-(
For my wish list:
1.) MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural #Light or Light Medium (still couldn't choose one)

2.) Kose Sekkisei Supreme Makeup Base (Because I want a lighter make up routine like base+MMU)

3.) MAC 187 brush (because I have 188 and sometimes I wish it's bigger)

4.) Etude proof10 eyes primer or Urban Decay Primer Potion (because I need a good eyesprimer in my life)

Well, that's all for now. Because just 3 pieces above could break my bank already.