As i promised i will come back for more of the fairlytales, princess, prince and all. Today is all about Disney’s Year of A Million Dreams. I found thess photo by Annie Leibovitz by chance and can't take my eyes off it for a while.
Let's start with David Beckham as Prince Phillipe from Sleeping Beauty.

Then a sweet-teen-lovers, Zac-Vanessa as Princess Aurora and Prince Phillipe. Ohh.. so dreamy

Jessica Biel as Pocahoncas.

And Roger Federer as King Arther!

Rachel Weisz As Snow White, the Fairest of Them All.

Another sweet couples J.lo and her husband Marc Anthony As Princess Jasmine and Aladin.

And of course a genie in a bottle baby!

The party still not over, Julie Andrews and Abigail Breslin are the Blue Fairy and Fira from Pinochcio

Scarlet Johansons as Cinderella, i lover her!

Julianne Moore as Ariel of The Little Mermaid

Gisele Bundchen as Wendy Darling, Tina Fey as Tinker Bell and dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov as Peter Pan.

And last but not least Alice in wonderland stared by Beyonce.